Everything You Should Know about Twitter Topics
Twitter Topics is a Twitter setting that allows users to select and follow trends they’re interested in from a list of Topics. When a user follows a Topic, more news and related tweets will show up in their regular Twitter timeline.
HubSpot contributor Pamela Bump has published an in-depth article on Twitter Topics.
She says, “Twitter often suggests Topics based on your account activity, and you’ll natively come across them in your Home timeline. You can click Follow to see related tweets if it suggests a topic of interest.
The second way to access Twitter Topics is to navigate to your feed and click More, then Topics.
If you haven’t followed any topics before, you’ll see a welcome message explaining the feature. If you already follow Topics, they’ll appear here.
If you click Follow some Topics, you’ll see a list of the most popular Twitter Topics, like “Entertainment,” with plus signs next to them that you can click to follow.”
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