A strong SEO strategy helps you attract website visitors and convert them into shoppers, clients, members or leads. When it comes to WordPress, SEO matters the most.

Forbes contributors Krista Fabregas and Cassie Bottorff have published ‘WordPress SEO Quick-Start Guide: Three Key Strategies For Success’.

They say, “Out of the box, WordPress delivers many easy-to-use on-page SEO controls, such as custom page URLs, image tags, title tags, and both static page and blog page features. These elements are built into the WordPress platform and work alongside all WordPress themes and page builder tools.

A screenshot of built-in SEO features in the WordPress dashboard. 

Built-in WordPress SEO features include easily optimized page titles, content, URLs and image data. None of these on-page SEO tasks require added coding.

However, deploying most technical SEO improvements in WordPress requires adding custom coding to core theme templates. That can get very tricky. Instead, most users turn to WordPress SEO plugins to expand various features and simplify a whole host of tasks within WordPress.”

WordPress SEO Quick-Start Guide: Three Key Strategies for Success

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