Google Analytics 4 is an analytics service that enables you to measure traffic and engagement across your websites and apps. This documentation provides implementation instructions and reference materials geared towards a developer audience.

Digital Mantis, Inc. contributor David Vanhee has published a 10-step guide for smooth migration and a futureproof data-driven success story.

He says, “If you have already migrated from UA to GA4, you can use our plan as a quick checklist to make sure you haven’t missed anything important.

You can quickly check if you can profit from our migration plan for Google Analytics.

I am …

  • a website owner and I want to do the migration to GA4 myself without hassle.
  • a web designer or I run an agency and (plan to) offer GA4 quality migration services to my clients.
  • a data-driven marketer and I need reliable data to get results from my campaigns.”

Google Analytics Migration [10 Steps To Success]

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