MarketingProfs has published a new episode of Marketing Smarts podcast ‘New B2B Email Marketing Techniques That Work Right Now’ featuring Jay Schwedelson.

George B. Thomas says, “Technology is changing. Things that were true 10 years ago no longer apply. Jay and host George B. Thomas refer to the world of email marketing as “the wild wild west.” “There are no more rules,” Jay says, and then proves it by taking controversial stances.

Here are a few of them: Open rates can be valuable (what?). Unsubscribes are a good thing, so don’t let them freak you out. There’s no such thing as ultimate success with email, and if things don’t suck, you’re probably doing fine (whew).

The episode also emphasizes the importance of segmentation, A/B-testing, and CTAs that offer a benefit instead of a task.

Listen to the entire show now from the link above, or download the mp3 and listen at your convenience. Of course, you can also subscribe to the Marketing Smarts podcast in iTunes or via RSS and never miss an episode.”

New B2B Email Marketing Techniques That Work Right Now


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