Strategies to Improve Branded Content
Branded content is content produced by an advertiser or content whose creation was funded by an advertiser.
Content Marketing Institute contributor Jodi Harris has shared some useful tips to producing branded content that delivers results.
She says, “Branded content also has given rise to a new business model that eases publishers’ reliance on revenue from traditional advertising with the addition of internal creative agencies to execute these feature-rich, customized paid campaigns (more on that point later).
In the name of brand love
To understand what branded content (also known as branded entertainment) entails, let’s start with a basic definition offered by the internet’s default dictionary, Wikipedia:
Branded content is the practice of marketing via the creation of content that is funded or outright produced by an advertiser… (it is) designed to build awareness by associating (the brand) with content that shares its values.
As definitions go, it’s a good start. Still, it doesn’t get to the heart of what distinguishes branded content from other paid promotion tactics like native advertising, influencer marketing, and sponsored social posts.”
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