Campaign analytics help you justify the value of your marketing investments.

Merkle contributor Courtney Trudeau has shared useful tips to achieve accurate campaign analytics.

She says, “Analytics that can provide insights across all your channels must rely on a foundation and infrastructure that can bring clean, standardized, and enriched data together and then integrate it with the platforms and tools in a seamless and efficient manner to use for this benefit. Too often when working with an organization, we hear about siloed data; data stuck in its channel of execution or data that is not standardized in a way where it can marry with other channel data. These barriers inhibit analytics teams from making progress.

Two key data issues continually surface:

1. Data quantity: In today’s era of information, marketing teams are recording everything; every consumer click, impression, and view. However, this quantity of data is irrelevant if it cannot be structured and analyzed for insights that allow for in-campaign optimizations. Marketers are left wrestling with how to best organize data to evaluate its meaning. Organizations today are stuck in a place where data scientists spend the majority of their time wrangling and formatting data, rather than analyzing it which leaves a lot of revenue on the table.”

How to Get More Accurate Campaign Analytics

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