AdvertSuite 2.0: Top FB Ads Search Software #ad
Three years ago, AdvertSuite was released. Its purpose was to help you find out what Facebook ads will be successful in your niche before you spend any money running the ads.
It was so successful that over 11, 000 copies were sold. Now there is a new version, AdvertSuite 2.0, that is being released later this week.
Luke Maguire, the inventor, will be rolling it out on Wednesday.
Here’s a summary of what you can expect.
In just 3 simple steps, AdvertSuite 2.0 allows you to instantly gather intel on every single live Facebook ad out there, all 40 million of them. Of course, no one wants information on all of them, except an academic research group.
What is useful to a marketer is information on the ads being run by the competition. That’s now easy to obtain:
➤ Put in any keyword (such as weight loss, piano lessons in London, hotels in Hawaii, etc.), any product name, or any company name and see all the related ads currently running in Facebook.
➤ Sort by location, engagement, and more importantly see exactly what demographics these ads are targeting.
➤ See their full ad copy, images, videos, and (crucially) also their landing pages – everything is visible inside Advertsuite.
What can you do with this powerful information?
The obvious answer is to simply study the best-performing ads and campaigns and implement your version of them. This will reduce any risk of losing money trying to find your own profitable ads.
But that’s just one way you can use this powerful software; it barely scratches the surface of what it can do.
Watch this demo video to see the full power of Advertsuite in action (hint you don’t even need to use Facebook ads to take advantage of this game changer): AdvertSuite 2.0.
Right now Maguire is offering a special launch deal for Advertsuite. Currently, your investment is only a one-time, up-front payment. As you will see on the sales page there is going to be a monthly recurring price for this later on.
But right here, today, you can completely bypass this and get your hands on this new improved competitive analysis tool for a low one time fee and never have to pay another cent ever again.Get your copy here: AdvertSuite 2.0.
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