Google Analytics 4 is an analytics service that enables you to measure traffic and engagement across your websites and apps.

Forbes contributor Jodie Cook has published an article featuring five Google Analytics 4 (GA4) insights for entrepreneurs.

She says, “The new update of Google Analytics, GA4, has created exciting potential for entrepreneurs to improve how well their website converts and, therefore, the profitability of their business. Juenemann shares how the data can be applied to grow your business.

1. Visualize your funnel with GA4

“A funnel is a series of pages or actions your user takes to reach your goal,” explained Juenemann. “Not everyone will enter or even complete all steps.” With GA4 it’s possible to visualize your funnel and gain insights to improve it. Having an understanding of how customers are progressing through your site and converting to sale is valuable information to see laid out.”

5 Gamechanging Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Insights For Entrepreneurs


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