MOZ Announces Keyword Research Certification Course
Keyword research is a fundamental aspect of any SEO strategy, so it’s important to know why you should do it, and how you should go about it.
MOZ contributor Emilie Martin has announced the launch of the MOZ Keyword Research Certification Course.
Explaining what’s included in the Keyword Research Certification, she says, “The Keyword Research Certification is a five-part series focused on keyword research, strategy and analysis. Complete with over four hours of video lessons, tasks, and activities, you’ll be able to test your understanding and apply important concepts throughout. At the end of the series, you’ll take a final exam and receive your certificate and LinkedIn badge.
The certification is organized into five sections:
1. Explore the Fundamentals of Keyword Research
The first course of the series lays the groundwork for the rest of the certification curriculum, beginning with a discussion of why keyword research matters and what it looks like.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Define keyword research, and describe its importance in reaching your target audience
List the types of keywords, and describe how they shape your keyword strategy
Explain past Google algorithm updates
Dispel SEO myths, and anticipate future trends in keyword research.”
Announcing the Keyword Research Certification: Create a Personalized Keyword Strategy
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