A persuasive copy can help you move closer to your audience and initiate the desired action.

Copyblogger’s Sonia Simone has published an article featuring three types of tones you can use in writing to build loyal audiences.

She says, “We’ve got handy writing techniques like word choice, story, and connotation to help us master tone.

Because when you get the tone right, you start to resonate with the perfect audience for your product or service. Then your content can really start to shine.

Tool #1: The words you choose

All careful writers know that there’s no such thing as a true synonym. Every word carries its own set of associations and nuances that shape your writing voice.

Some shades of meaning are fairly neutral. I nearly always prefer use over utilize because it’s clearer and less pretentious. But it doesn’t particularly identify me as having a particular set of values or beliefs.

Other synonyms that carry a more potent cultural charge highlight different types of tone in writing.”

3 Types of Tone in Writing That Build Loyal Audiences

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