Digital Marketing Institute has published a new podcast episode ‘Digital Marketing Skills for Today & Tomorrow’ featuring Mischa McInerney.

The DMI team says, “In this episode, host Will Francis chats with DMI’s Chief Marketing Officer, Mischa McInerney about where she sees a clear need for marketing skills today, especially in roles that didn’t exist 10 ago – e.g. in automationomnichannelCRO, data science. A recent survey by DMI of 500 CMOs saw similar patterns of needs and gaps in marketing skills around the world.

So what are Mischa’s tips for your top three skills? An understanding of data, an interest in CX & UX, but also those soft skills you’ve learned on the job or in your free time. Listen in to also hear her take on the role of creativity, hybrid working, and, as a bonus, some of her standard interview questions.”

Digital Marketing Skills for Today & Tomorrow

Digital Marketing Institute

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