Split- Test Monkey- V3


Split Test Monkey may solve a problem that has been worrying you. If you’ve heard of the power of split testing but been put off because it sounds complicated or confusing, then this new software likely will solve your problem.

Split Test Monkey was first launched on 2016. Big businesses had been able to split-test their sales materials for years, but this new software made it affordable for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses to split-test their marketing.

The idea is that you create two or more versions of your sales material. Some prospective customers see one version. Others see another version. You then compare the sales results for the versions to see which gets more sales. Once you know that answer, you stop showing anything but the best version. It becomes your “control” version. Any future versions you think up are split-tested against it.

Well, Split Test Monkey became popular among small businesses, but improvements were possible. So around the beginning of 2022, Version 2 was released. Again, it sold well, but again, the creators saw ways they could improve it even more so now they have developed Split Test Monkey, Version 3.

Through the years, this split-testing app has been tested on over 100+ Digital Product Launches and using those results, the latest version was developed.

The results are in: split-testing works. In fact, it’s the most effective way to help you improve your conversions and profits without even needing any extra traffic.

In the testing they have done, they regularly get 25% improvements or more from a single split test, which is a significant improvement for any sales page. You can imagine the effect a few of those could have on your own bottom-line results.
With Split Test Monkey, you can run split tests for yourself or for clients with this new Agency license available today.

With this version, you can split test snippet elements within an individual page or complete alternate URLs/Pages.

And, using your agency license, you can run multiple tests across clients’ sites, all from one account.

Testing and tracking can increase your clients’ conversions by enough to easily let them justify your consulting fees.

What better way to lock in a great testimonial for your service?

Check it out now: Split Test Monkey.

Limited Bonus: For the release of the new Version 3 of this software, they are offering to personally help you get your first split test set up and running. You don’t need to be at all concerned that it will be too hard for you.

They’re just asking for a testimonial in return, once you’ve seen real results.

This is a bonus that takes up their personal time, so it really is limited.

Act now to get started with testing your way to higher conversions and a more profitable website: Split Test Monkey.

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