Persuasiveness is one of the most important ingredients of your marketing content. It can help you move beyond lead generation and help make more sales.

Social Media Examiner’s Michael Stelzner has published an article featuring a three-step framework to write great marketing content.

He says, “It’s called the Writing GPS Framework. Just like the GPS in your car, it’s going to steer you through your next piece of written content—finding shortcuts, avoiding the crowds, and making your journey much more pleasant.

The Writing GPS Framework

The Writing GPS Framework is designed to take you from an initial idea to a complete piece of content. You’ll need to supply your own content ideas, but as soon as you know what you want to write about, you can apply the GPS.

The framework solves two of the most common problems with writing marketing content. When marketers say that they hate writing, they usually mean one or both of these two things:

  • They feel insecure about their grammar and spelling
  • They don’t know how to create high quality content that lives up to their ideas.”

Writing Marketing Content: A Proven Framework

Social Media Examiner

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