MarketingProfs has published a new episode of the ‘Marketing Smarts’ podcast ‘Understanding Web3 Through a Marketing Lens’ featuring Tony Pham.

George B. Thomas says, “In Episode 523 of Marketing Smarts, recorded at the Boston’s B2B Forum in October, Tony spends much of his session with host George B. Thomas giving the audience entry points into the concept of Web3 to make it seem less intimidating. He insists marketers may be halfway there already, in a stage he calls Web2.5.

Take loyalty programs, for example: “We’re starting to see folks like Starbucks show us how to do it in a Web 2.5 way. You can take the idea of points, convert them into cryptocurrency, tokens, NFTs, and give people a lot of the same benefits, whether it’s special access, bonuses, whatever it may be.”

Web3 is a natural place for marketers to be, Tony says, because we’re the ones always innovating and exploring possibilities. “We don’t want to be chasing after [audiences]; we want to be there and welcoming them,” he explains.

In a mic drop moment, Tony says any organization choosing to venture into Web3 will get a lot of attention, both from their customers and from PR. So, why wait?”

Understanding Web3 Through a Marketing Lens


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