Content Sparks Curriculum Planner, free today #ad
Content Sparks is making its Content Sparks Curriculum Planner available today and tomorrow.
Most people find that a curriculum (i.e., a series of related courses) is the best way to make online courses more profitable for their business. When your students finish one course, invite them to study the next course in the series.
Why not download this planner at no charge and see how you could deliver a series of courses and boost your business?
In your planner, you will find these topics:
Get Quick Curriculum Ideas – based on different audiences
Set Your Course Goals
Outline Your Curriculum – plan what courses will work for you and your audience
Next Steps
Whatever you are teaching, from archery to zoology, you will find the Content Sparks Curriculum Planner helpful. Since it is free, besides being helpful, this is what we call a “no-brainer”.
You may be familiar with ContentSparks from our prior mentions of their on-sale courses in our newsletter. They are the creator of business courses and personal growth courses that they make available to teachers and coaches who need complete, thoughtful courses to present to their followers.
In their full courses (although you may also buy smaller batches of content) they include:
➤ Training for the teacher
➤ Presentation Slides
➤ Hand-outs for students
➤ Materials to give away in advance to attract students.
We have invested in many of these courses ourselves.
Starting tomorrow, they are running a 50% off sale on all their courses here: ContentSparks 50% off Sale.
To get the 50% discount, use Coupon Code: NewBday2023
Visit the shop now to see what you will need. But don’t buy till Thursday, when the coupon will become active.
You’ll get 50% off all full-price items from December 29th through January 3rd at midnight PT.
And you can use the coupon as many times as you want. Get your bargains here: ContentSparks 50% off Sale.
And don’t forget your free Content Sparks Curriculum Planner.
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