My Biggest Advertising Mistake [Video]
Neil Patel has published a new video ‘My Biggest Advertising Mistake (and What I Learned)’.
He says, “My biggest advertising mistake and what I learned. Many people assume I’ve always been at the level I’m at now, and the level I’m at now isn’t the best. I can still get better and improve. But I’m a New York Times bestselling author. I’m a sought-after entrepreneur and marketer. I’m a thought leader in the digital marketing space. And that’s not to brag. Behind every success story are thousands of failures, and my biggest failure was one for the books. In fact, it ended up costing me over a million dollars. $1,250,391, to be exact. That’s a lot of money, and it was a mistake I’m still learning from all the time. Can you guess what it was? Do you think it was a social media misstep or betting big on an SEO strategy that didn’t pan out? It wasn’t either of those things.”
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