FAQ Schema: A Guide For Beginners [Guide]
FAQ schema is specialized markup you can add to a webpage’s code that contains a list of questions and answers. Google then reads this markup and uses it to generate a rich snippet.
Search Engine Journal has published ‘FAQ Schema: A Guide For Beginners’, a guide to getting started with FAQ schema and enjoying the benefits of structured data for a better presence in Google search.
Roger Montti says, “There are several reasons to consider using FAQ schema.org markup that goes beyond simply gaining a better search presence.
There are practical reasons for using it that can increase relevance, improve conversions and provide users with a better user experience.
1. FAQs Can Lead To Enhanced Search Listings
Enhanced search listings for FAQ structured data have multiple benefits.
A significant advantage is dominating more digital space in the search results.
This not only makes your search presence larger, but it can also push a competitor to the second page of the search results.”
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