Inclusive content creation is a way to build trust, loyalty, and real relationships with consumers. It can also help underrepresented voices to be heard, driving positive social change.

Oncrawl contributor Rejoice Ojiaku has published an article explaining inclusive content and its importance.

She says, “Salesforce published an Inclusive Marketing Principles learning module in which it defined inclusive marketing as, “Content that truly reflects the diverse communities that our companies serve. It means that we are elevating diverse voices and role models, decreasing cultural bias, and leading positive social change through thoughtful and respectful content.” This can be applied to the way we generate content, especially when we take into account the three inclusive content principles.

Principle 1: People come first

What this means is that we must always be user focused. The same applies in SEO when building search strategies, user intent and user experience matter. It’s crucial to put people first when promoting inclusivity, and to do so while using respectful language.”

Content inclusivity: Everything you need to know


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