International link building is a long-term marketing strategy designed to build high-quality links on websites hosted in different countries and regions.

Ahrefs contributor Michal Pecánek has published an article featuring nine surprising aspects of international link building.

He says, “In this article, we’ll go through nine aspects of international link building with the help of four SEO and link building experts who collectively share insights from more than 20 global markets.

And we can start with the most controversial tactics right away…

1. Buying links is very common

Let’s be honest—link buying is in the arsenal of many link builders. Aira’s annual survey reports that 31% of SEOs buy links. This number can jump to a whopping 74% for link builders, as shown in a recent survey by Authority Hacker.

That’s a huge number for English websites, but I’m convinced that this number is even higher for non-English content. Let me explain.

The fewer link prospecting opportunities there are, the less creative you can be when building links. You’ll waste resources trying to create fantastic link bait or launch ambitious PR campaigns in most niches in many smaller markets. Link buying often becomes an attractive (yet risky) tactic when your options get limited.”

International Link Building: 9 Aspects That Might Surprise You


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