3 Simple Google Ads Tweaks That Immediately Boost Sales, April 26 [Webinar]
Well-planned Google advertising campaigns can help you achieve your desired ROI. It requires research and experiments to achieve this domain.
Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘3 Simple Google Ads Tweaks That Immediately Boost Sales’ on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at 2.00 pm ET.
The SEJ team says, “In this upcoming webinar, Corey Zieman, CEO/Senior Strategist at Guaranteed PPC, shares three powerful changes that you can incorporate immediately.
Your 3 Key Takeaways:
- Why using the digit ‘7’ in your pricing can help increase your shopping/PMAX campaign click-through and conversion rates.
- Keyword strategies to help you boost your paid campaign performance.
- Ways to increase conversion rates with laser-targeted landing pages using the most powerful keywords.
Join us as we dive into some profitable Google Ads strategies that can be applied to any business type.”
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