In SaaS, link building focuses on crafting quality, informative content that bloggers and publishers value.

Search Engine Journal contributor Kevin Rowe has published an article featuring 19 list building techniques for SaaS link building.

He says, “List building is the process of matching these internal resources to external entities that will benefit from that resource and finding relevant prospects.

As I explain in my SEJ article, A Guide To Linkable Assets For Effective Link Building, linkable assets will be essential to most link building campaigns.

If the site has no linkable content, then use this guide to start planning.

Although the techniques below can be used across other industries, they are currently highly effective in SaaS link building.

Now that you have content, start identifying prospective link lists using the following process.

Universal List Building Process

This process can be used for creating lists for many link building techniques. Use the following list building template with the process and methods below to start link building today.”

19 List Building Techniques For SaaS Link Building

Search Engine Journal

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