Val Wilson and Andy Waring have just released No Hurdles D4U Funnel.

Now you can build a list and create an online income without any of the technical hurdles. No HTML, no FTP, no hosting – have your No Hurdles Funnel up and running in a matter of minutes

As the name suggests, it’s a “Done For You” (D4U; get it?) Funnel, one that comes with a landing page, a follow up email sequence, and a related affiliate offer (that you are guaranteed approval for).

Now there are a lot of ‘Done For You’ funnel products out there, but there are some features to this one that make it really stand out.

First is the quality of what you get – a really cool landing page, and very well written email follow-ups, with a perfectly congruent promo offer incorporated.

A lot of competitive done-for-you offers are really poor quality; this one is not.

Second, the way it is structured is very clever. The ‘lead magnet’ that you are giving to your new subscribers is an e-course. This course is delivered in the follow-up emails, and this means your open rates will be much higher than with a conventional giveaway.

When you offer a free report or video, it can be difficult to get your subscribers to keep opening your emails after they’re got what you offered – with an e-course. your emails are the lead magnet so there is a built in incentive to keep opening them (provided the content is good, which in this case it is).

Third is how easy it is to set up. The landing page and emails can all be imported into the autoresponder account in just 1 click. Then it’s just a case of adding your name and links to each email, and you’re good to go. It’s VERY easy.

Fourth, last, but by no means least, is that (apart from the cost of the No Hurdles D4U Funnel itself) you can get started with this with ZERO extra costs.

No Hurdles D4U Funnel is set up so that you can use a free autoresponder account, and the landing page is built inside that AR account – so you don’t even need a website or hosting.

You literally can start building your list without spending another penny.

It’s a really fresh product providing the list building that every marketer needs, set up in a very clever way that makes it incredibly easy to use, with no other upfront costs.

Check it out here now: No Hurdles D4U Funnel.

PS: This is on a dimesale, so the price is rising – and there will be a big price jump when the ‘launch’ ends on Friday, so get your copy now at the lowest price.

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