Editing and proofreading are very important stages of content creation. Content proofreading is the final stage of the editing process. It involves identifying and correcting errors and inconsistencies in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting.

Content Marketing Institute contributor Ann Gynn has published an article featuring useful tips on master content proofreading and editing.

She says, “With your editor’s hat on, follow this five-step process:

  1. Make sure you understand the overall purpose of the piece of content for the audience and the brand before you read the first word.

TIP: Require content creators to write one or two sentences at the top of the content to explain to the editor who the intended audience is and why the content was created.

  1. Read through the content as a reader would – hands off the keyboard except to scroll. (If reviewing in print form, keep the pen out of your hands.)
  2. Go through the content again as an editor. Put your hands on the keyboard (or pen in hand) and note where the content doesn’t work well and why. Does the opening grab the reader’s attention? Is the content focused on a singular theme throughout the piece? Can every sentence and paragraph be understood? Does the order of the content flow logically? Does the content represent the brand’s voice and style?”

Master Content Proofreading and Editing With These Tips

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