Internal links are hyperlinks that point to pages on the same domain. They are different from external links, which link out to pages on other domains.

Ahrefs has published ‘Internal Links for SEO: An Actionable Guide’ explaining the importance of internal links in SEO.

Chris Haines says, “Internal links serve a practical purpose of getting your website’s visitors from A to B, but they have an important role when utilized for SEO.

When asked in a “Google SEO office-hours” video whether internal linking was still important for SEO, John Mueller said:

Yes, absolutely… Internal linking is super critical for SEO. It’s one of the biggest things you can do on a website to guide Google and visitors to the pages that you think are important… What you think is important is totally up to you.

John Mueller, Senior Search Analyst Google

So if internal links are used strategically in SEO, they can help boost the performance of the pages you’re linking to.

Internal links do this by directing the flow of PageRank around your site. Even though the PageRank toolbar disappeared in 2016, PageRank is still a signal that Google uses.”

Internal Links for SEO: An Actionable Guide


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