Google Trends is a free tool that uses real-time data to analyze the popularity of Google search terms. It shows users what people are searching for as impacted by time, season, and location.

Search Engine Journal contributor Roger Montti has published an article on using Google Trends to improve SEO and content marketing.

He says, “This article will act as an in-depth guide to Google Trends, covering everything you need to know to leverage it for SEO and content marketing.

How Is Google Trends Data Different From Keyword Search Volumes?

Google Trends is different from third-party keyword research tools in that it lacks keyword search volume data.

It shows the number of search queries made in percentages on a scale of 0 to 100.

Third-party paid SEO tools do show keyword volumes, but they are only estimates.

Generally, third-party reporting tools purchase data from other providers and then create statistical estimates based on that data. The data providers tend to be software companies that collect anonymous search data from their users.”

Google Trends: How To Use It For SEO & Content Marketing

Search Engine Journal

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