Content planning is the process of organizing and strategizing content creation to achieve specific goals.

MOZ has published ‘The Ultimate Guide to Content Planning’ offering comprehensive content marketing guidelines.

Victory Umurhurhu says, “After all the effort you put into creating a content strategy, you need a roadmap for your content creation, distribution, and engagement. That’s what a content plan helps you do; it ensures that your efforts are purposeful, targeted, and aligned with your goals.

Let’s look at how to create a solid content plan.

1. Have a solid SEO content strategy

Content is the backbone of SEO, and to have a content plan, you first need a content strategy. A content marketing strategy is developing and distributing content to draw consumers and impact your target audience’s purchasing decisions. It answers questions like who you’ll create content for, what type of content, and where you’ll distribute it.

Assume you’re developing a content marketing strategy for a SaaS company; it will consist of the following;

  • Content purpose: Your why, which includes your overall purpose for content marketing itself.

  • Target audience: Your who could be an enterprise company (as they need to automate their processes).”

The Ultimate Guide to Content Planning [Free Template]


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