Content repurposing, also known as content recycling, is the practice of reusing existing content in a new format to expand its reach. The goal is to make the most of existing content and give it a second life.

Social Media Examiner has published the latest episode of the Social Media Marketing Podcast ‘Social Content Repurposing: An Easy System for Creating Great Content’ featuring Tyla Brimblecombe.

The SME team says, “Want to get in front of more high-value client targets? Wondering how speaking on the right stages can elevate your agency’s reputation? Discover how one agency owner leverages speaking engagements to secure more high-value clients.

This video covers the following:

  • How to Shift From Agency Owner to Onstage Speaker
  • Unique Skills Needed to Become a Speaker
  • Advice for Becoming a Speaker and Leveraging Opportunities
  • How to Incorporate Storytelling Into Your Speaking Engagements
  • Speaking Tactics for Lead Generation
  • Blending Your Personal Brand With Your Agency’s Brand
  • How to Measure Speaking Success and Agency Growth
  • Tips on Overcoming Nervousness When Speaking Onstage
  • How to Showcase Your Speaking Abstracts
  • How to Provide Real Value to Your Audience and Keep Your Competitive Edge.

Social Media Examiner

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