Used properly, pop-ups can increase sales. Smart Pop-Up Sales Machine, today’s MyNams December Deal, shows you how to use them correctly.

As David Perdew the founder of MyNAMS, points out, pop-ups can significantly increase conversion rates, turning casual website visitors into leads and customers.

He lists five examples of times when Pop-ups can boost your earnings or customer satisfaction:

➤ Pop-ups can significantly increase conversion rates, turning casual website visitors into leads and customers.
➤ Offering valuable incentives through pop-ups, you can rapidly grow your email list, providing a channel for ongoing communication and customer nurturing.
➤ Use targeted messages based on user behavior and preferences to make visitors feel valued and understood, increasing conversions.
➤ Use pop-ups to increase your ROI on advertising costs by capturing even more leads and sales instead of abandoned pages!
➤ Pop-ups can be strategically used to combat cart abandonment, increasing your average orders and lifetime customer values

Any one of those uses could give you a significant boost for your business. Think of using them all at the appropriate times. That could be game-changing.

Again, according to Perdew, “When done right, they are incredibly effective at capturing attention and driving action – turning visitors into leads and leads into sales.”

If you want that for your business, get your copy here: Smart Pop-Up Sales Machine.

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