MarketingProfs has published a new episode of the Marketing Smarts podcast ‘Understanding Your B2B Digital Doppelgänger and AI Decision Matrix’ featuring Andrew Davis.

George B. Thomas says, “In particular, you’ll learn what a “Digital Doppelgänger” and “AI Decision Matrix” entail and how they can help you use AI as well as determine how and when to do so. Andrew also provides a series of practical tips for using generative AI effectively.

(Note: In the spirit of the topic, the remainder of this introductory text has been generated by ChatGPT, with minimal human editing.)

In this insightful interview, Andrew delves into the evolving landscape of AI in B2B marketing, focusing on the concepts of Digital Doppelgängers and the AI Decision Matrix. He addresses the challenges and potential of AI in content creation, emphasizing the need for transparency and strategic implementation. Andrew’s perspective offers a blend of caution and optimism, guiding marketers in leveraging AI while maintaining authenticity and efficiency.”


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