The Beginner’s JavaScript Cheat Sheet [Free Download]
JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language. It is one of the three core technologies of the World Wide Web, along with HTML and CSS. JavaScript is used to make web pages interactive and to add dynamic content to web pages. It is also used to create server-side applications with Node.js.
Semrush has published ‘The Beginner’s JavaScript Cheat Sheet’ which is available as a free download.
Christine Skopec and Connor Lahey say, “Below, you’ll find the most essential components used in JavaScript.
As you become more familiar with these building blocks, you’ll have the tools to create engaging and user-friendly websites.
(Here’s the cheat sheet, which you can download and keep as a handy reference for all these components. )
Variables are containers that store some value. That value can be of any data type, such as strings (meaning text) or numbers.
There are three keywords for declaring (i.e., creating) variables in JavaScript: “var,” “let,” and “const.”
var Keyword
“var” is a keyword used to tell JavaScript to make a new variable.
After we make a variable with “var,” it works like a container to store things.”
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