The brand-customer dynamic is unrecognizable from what it was just a few years ago. It’s no longer enough to have the loudest voice, the prettiest branding or even the lowest price.

Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘Consumers Want Meaningful Content. Can Brands Deliver?’ on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 1.00 pm EDT.

The Adweek team says, “Discover what it takes to stand out in a world of half-hearted DEI initiatives, how to grow audiences while respecting data privacy, and whether audiences can tell if you’re using AI to generate your content from Greg Friend, Nativo’s VP of content, insights and strategy. You’ll find out:

  • Real-world examples of meaningful sustainability and DEI changes
  • Practical methods for identifying and connecting with audiences in a privacy-safe way
  • Original findings on the differences between human and AI-generated content (and how your readers feel about it)”.

Consumers Want Meaningful Content. Can Brands Deliver?


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