The term “Data Apocalypse” refers to a catastrophic event caused by the loss, corruption, or misuse of vast amounts of digital information, leading to severe disruptions in various aspects of society, economy, and governance. Safeguarding data integrity, privacy, and security is paramount to mitigate the risks associated with a potential data apocalypse scenario.

Content Marketing Institute has published a new video ‘Prepare: The Data Apocalypse Will Come (Eventually)’ featuring Robert Rose.

The CMI team says, “A new IAB report finds only 42% of marketers expect third-party cookies will disappear in 2024, and less than 60% are actively exploring Google’s Privacy Sandbox for alternative options. Are they in denial about the impending loss of vital audience data or just lacking the measurement clarity to plan ahead for its impact? Either way, Robert Rose points to some actions to start prioritizing in preparation.”

Content Marketing Institute

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