Today, ContentSparks launches How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market, a course for your own business and, if you choose, to sell to others. You get Private Label Rights you so you may put your own name on the course, effectively becoming its author.

Many businesses are simply a “face in the crowd” among other merchants trying to sell the same or similar products and services. They are struggling to stand out and compete in their market.

There are many reasons they aren’t getting traction in their marketplace. For example:
➤ Customer needs have changed, but they haven’t kept up
➤ They aren’t differentiating themselves enough, or
➤ Their market has become over-saturated.

The subtitle of How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market is How to Revitalize Your Business to Be Different, Get Noticed, and Convert More Customers. You, we, and every other marketer needs to do all these things if we are going to succeed.

This course takes you and your students through a step-by-step process for identifying ‘stand-out’ ideas and creating an action plan, including:
➤ Find new opportunities for a smaller niche market
➤ Refine your target audience persona
➤ Identify gaps in your existing offers
➤ Improve your product/service offers
➤ Simplify your sales and service processes
➤ Draft a new unique value proposition
➤ Implement your action plan

The course includes Student Handouts, Instructor Notes, and Lead Generation Materials (including a 5-day challenge).

PLUS… an Early Bird Bonus when you buy in the next few days: Tech Toolkit to Enhance Your Customer Experience.

This bonus guides business owners like you and your clients through picking from a variety of tools that will help them stand out by upgrading the experience their customers have with their business.

It comes in both docx and Canva formats.

Finally, on an upsell page, there are two optional add-on options:
• SWOT Analysis Workshop – standalone short group activity that can work with multiple courses
• Module Quizzes for the Stand Out course
…and some related course discounts, too.

Get your copy for two-thirds off of the regular price, for the next few days, here: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market.

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