AI in marketing leverages data analysis and machine learning to personalize customer experiences, predict trends, and optimize campaigns. This technology helps businesses automate tasks, improve targeting, and gain deeper insights into consumer behavior.

The latest ‘Masters in Marketing’ video is titled ‘How I get free publicity in 10 minutes a day (AI Marketing)’.

The MiM team says, “In a world where SEO is constantly evolving, many are claiming it’s dead. But today, I’m here to prove them wrong with a strategy that’s not just surviving but thriving.

Before diving into the nitty-gritty, we’ll go over what makes this strategy a game-changer in the SEO landscape. We’re talking about leveraging platforms like HARO and Sourcebottle to earn high-quality backlinks from top-tier publications. Here’s a quick breakdown of what we’ll cover:

  • Creating Killer Profiles on HARO & Sourcebottle
  • Automating Query Searches
  • Crafting the Perfect Pitch
  • Managing Follow-Ups & Tracking Success.”

Masters in Marketing

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