A brand video strategy is essential for building emotional connections with your audience, enhancing brand awareness. It conveys your message visually, making it more memorable and engaging, which helps drive conversions and brand loyalty.

Social Media Examiner has published the latest Social Media Marketing Podcast episode ‘Brand Video Strategy: Building Instant Connections With Your Future Customers’ featuring Mariana Henninger.

This episode covers the following:

  • Why Brand Videos Are Important to Marketers
  • Brand Video Strategy Step 1: Understanding Your Audience Deeply
  • Brand Video Strategy Step 2: Know Yourself (or Your Brand)
  • Brand Video Strategy Step 3: Find the Intersection Between Knowing Your Audience and Yourself
  • Brand Video Strategy Step 4: Plan Your Visuals and Film and Edit Your Video
  • Brand Video Strategy Step 5: Share Your Brand Video.

Social Media Examiner

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