International SEO optimizes your website for search engines across different countries and languages, ensuring visibility and relevance in global markets. It involves strategies like hreflang tags, localized content, and region-specific keywords.

MOZ has published the latest Whiteboard Friday video ‘International SEO’ featuring Tanvir Ali.

The MOZ team says, “Today we’re going to be discussing international SEO from the lens of tech SEO and data. So why is international SEO and targeting important? It’s not only important for our digital marketing KPIs, but it can also impact our business KPIs.

So from an SEO perspective, of course, we want our users to land on the correct page, so then we get good metrics, like clicks, impressions, and CTR. But also getting users to the right destination when we have an international website is really important for core business KPIs, like leads and conversions. If a user, for example, from Spain lands on a French-speaking site, it’s very, very unlikely that they’ll convert. So we’re impacting both our SEO and our general business KPIs.”


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