Content Marketing Institute contributor Ann Gynn has published an article featuring 60+ books about marketing, content, and business.

She says, “Every year, the Content Marketing Institute asks the community to share their opinions on the best books in marketing (and for marketers). Often, the titles ring familiar. After all, many people have a favorite and don’t sway from it year after year.

That’s why this year’s list surprised me. It includes 17 books new to CMI lists (though most aren’t new releases).

Most books that received recommendations this year delve into marketing topics (writing, social media, storytelling, and content strategy). But several recommendations cover more general topics (like friction, the psychology of persuasion, Excel, and lost customers).

We’ve organized the list by topics, with the books recommended this year appearing first and picks from past years below them.

Thanks to all for helping create the ultimate book list for marketers and content pros. Maybe you’ll find a gift idea for someone on your team.”

60+ Best Books About Marketing, Content, and Business

Content Marketing Institute

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