Managing multiple WordPress websites is easier with tools like WordPress Multisite and management plugins. They streamline updates, security, and content management, saving time and improving efficiency.

Search Engine Journal contributor Rhys Wynne has published a comprehensive article on managing multiple websites on WordPress.

He says, “In this article I’ll share the questions I ask myself to manage WordPress in a scalable fashion.

Which Version Of WordPress Is Right For You?

The first question to ask is before your WordPress website is even built and how your project is structured.

If you are running multiple instances of WordPress where each one is relatively similar, WordPress multisite may be suitable.

This is where you run one instance of WordPress but have multiple websites running off one database, and one copy of every plugin and theme. It means scheduled tasks, such as plugin updates and backups, only need to run on one codebase.

WordPress multisite is great for larger sites that are all relatively similar – so subdomains for each department, or different languages or locales are perfect for multisite.

If you have, for example, a site and a blog subdomain, both running on WordPress, then I’d recommend looking at this approach. You can even have a WooCommerce solution in one of those subdomains.”

How To Manage Multiple Websites On WordPress

Search Engine Journal

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