MOZ expert Dr. Peter J. Meyers has published an article titled ’11 Years of Google Warming: Is Search Heating Up?’.

He says, ”

If your job has anything to do with search, you might feel like Google changes every day. Don’t worry, it’s just your imagination — in reality, it’s more like 13 changes every day. We can’t chase every change, but the past 11 years can tell us a lot about where Google is headed.

How many Google updates per year?

In 2023, Google reported an astonishing 4,781 “launches”, up dramatically from the 350–400 first reported by Matt Cutts in 2009. From 2009–2023, Google made approximately 35,000 changes to search and ran millions of search quality tests.

While the pace of change has leveled out over the past four years, the numbers are still overwhelming. How can any marketer hope to keep up or disentangle it all?”.

11 Years of Google Warming: Is Search Heating Up?


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