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Bluestreak Launches ‘IonMX 2.0’
Bluestreak has launched “˜IonMX 2.0′, an email and messaging Platform to provide expanded messaging capabilities across SMS and RSS feeds. [Read more] [Read more]
Moya to Launch ‘IpodMoviesGold’ Membership Site
Cody Moya is going to launch ‘IpodMoviesGold’ membership site on April 30. Moya’s subscribers get discount coupon for the membership. [Read more] [Read more]
Silver to Release 500 Videos of ‘Underground II’ Seminar
Yanik Silver is going to release 500 videos of ‘Underground II’ Seminar. The tickets for the seminar are sold out but those who sign up will get notified when the tapes are ready, according to Silver. [Read more] [Read more]
Morin’s ‘Special Next Level Training’ on April 26
Armand Morin is having ‘Special Next Level Training’ call on Wednesday, April 26. Morin will reveal the secrets of putting on profitable and lucrative live events like BigSeminar. [Read more] [Read more]
Kanoodle Launches New Advertisers Tools
Kanoodle has launched new tools for advertisers to target their ads. It has launched a geo-target tool which allows advertisers to target their ads at consumers based on where they live. [Read more] [Read more]
SubscriberMail Chooses OmniTI’s Ecelerity Email Solution
SubscriberMail has chosen OmniTI’s Ecelerity email solution to replace IronPort. It has chosen Ecelerity to manage all outbound, permission email messages for its clients. [Read more] [Read more]
Cloudmark Warns of VOIP-Based Phishing Attacks
Cloudmark has warned of VOIP-based phishing attacks. Cloudmark has identified phishing attacks performed over VOIP, by posing as banks and emailing users to call the specified number and enter personal information to access their finances. [Read more] [Read more]
AT&T Offers Elite Service
AT&T is offering AT&T Yahoo! High Speed Internet Service with higher speed, called Elite service. New customers who order broadband services after May 1, 2006 will be offered upsteram speeds between 3 Mbps and 6Mbps and downstream speed between 384 kbps to 768 kbps. [Read more] [Read more]
Blogad Announces Results of Blog Survey
Blogad has announced the results of a survey on blog readers. The readers were separated into four categories: political, gossip, mom and music. [Read more] [Read more]
BlueLithium Launches AdPath 2.0
BlueLithium has launched AdPath 2.0. AdPath 2.0 is a behavioral targeting solution for advertisers and publishers in BlueLithium’s ad network. [Read more] [Read more]
Q Interactive Launches Email Services
Q Interactive has launched email services for the Q Network. Q Interactive expects its email list to grow to 40 million permission-based addresses by the year end. [Read more] [Read more]
The Copywriters MasterClass Series 2 on May 8-9
The Copywriters MasterClass Series 2 is going to be in Manchester on May 8-9. The course will teach how to write strong copy and earn money through copywriting skills. [Read more] [Read more]