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Friday, September 20, 2024

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Traditional Companies Buy Web Properties

Leslie Walker of Biz Report says “traditional media companies have been making some startling moves” referring to the sale of web properties. [Read more]  [Read more]

FireFox Upgrade: Beta Released

The first major upgrade of Firefox, Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 (Deer Park) has been released for testing purposes. [Read more]  [Read more]

eBay Celebrates 10th Birthday!

eBay announces a competition and says, “September 2005 marks eBay’s 10th birthday and we’re making it special for you, our Community”. [Read more]  [Read more]

Yahoo to Launch Multimedia War Website

The New York Times reports that “Yahoo, in its first big move into original online video programming, is betting that war and conflict will lure new viewers” and the site will be launched Sep 26. [Read more]  [Read more]

Buy Online/In-Store Pick-Up Improving

A study by the etailing group reports an improvement in “Buy Online/In-Store Pick-Up Process,” and there was a 10% increase in the efficiency of the process. [Read more]  [Read more]

SportsLine to Include Game Logs: Glogs

CBS Digital Media has updated its SportsLine site to sell ads and to have “blogs that provide color commentary on live sporting events” called glogs. [Read more]  [Read more]

Internet Marketing for Newbies Launched

Brian Robinson, has launched an interactive web blog with, “Internet marketing tips, tricks and tactics for starting, building and growing your online business”. [Read more]  [Read more]

Pay-per-click Marketers: Google or Yahoo?

Nico Brooks says, “Now, any major advertiser is crazy not to be on both Google and Yahoo, because there`s just no disadvantage”. [Read more]  [Read more]

Online Ads: $18.9 Billion by 2010

Jupiter Research’s findings show that online advertising will be an $18.9 billion market by 2010 and spending on PPC ads will overtake spending on impression-based ads. [Read more]  [Read more]

Google & MSN: Search Index Count

Danny Sulllivan has a new method to count the number of pages indexed by Google and MSN for a specific search. [Read more]  [Read more]

Internet & Freedom of Expression In China

Reporters Without Borders says 62 people are now in jail in China for Internet related writing and activity and Yahoo! helped in getting journalist, Shi Tao, jailed. [Read more]  [Read more]

Yahoo Publisher Network: New Feature

Yahoo Publisher Network has a new feature, ad category targeting, which allows publishers to assign categories of ads to their website. [Read more]  [Read more]