Latest News
ComScore Releases Internet Video and Audio Reasearch
ComScrore has released a research on the reach of internet video and audio among different age groups in the US. [Read more] [Read more]
Telcos BellSouth and AT&T Launch
Telcos BellSouth and AT&T together have launched The site combines SBC’s and BellSouth’s [Read more] [Read more]
Yahoo to Use Target Ads on Its Website
Yahoo will be using target ads on its website. The ads displayed on the site will be targeted based on the user’s behavior on its website. [Read more] [Read more]
Google Integrates Virus Scanning in Gmail
Google has integrated virus scanning capability in Gmail. Gmail will automatically scan any attatchment users attempt to send or receive. [Read more] [Read more]
WOMMA Launches WOMBAT site
Word Of Mouth Marketing Association has launched Word Of Mouth Basic Training Website. The site provides training for marketers on how to use word-of-mouth marketing techniques. [Read more] [Read more]
AOL Launches AOL Mobile Search
AOL has launched AOL Search for mobile phones. AOL Mobile Search allows users to access to AOL Search, Pinpoint Shopping and AOL Yellow Pages through their mobile phones. [Read more] [Read more]
Google Appoints Ann Mather
Google has appointed Ann Mather to its Board of Directors. Ann Mather will also be a Chairperson for Google’s Audit Committee. [Read more] [Read more]
Skype Launches Skype 2.0 Beta
Skype has launched Skype 2.0 Beta with video-calling and other new features. [Read more] [Read more]
Internet Security Threat Affects Online Holiday Shopping in the US
A study by Business Software Alliance, BSA, says that lack of security on the internet will affect online holiday shopping in the US this year. [Read more] [Read more]
Microsoft Investigates Flaw in Internet Explorer
Microsoft is investigating new reports of a flaw in Internet Explorer. The flaw was originally identified in May. Microsoft recommends IE users to run a scan on their computers using Windows Live Safety Center. [Read more] [Read more]
IRS Warns of Fake Tax Refunds eMail Scam
The Internal Revenue Service has warned the public of an email scam. The email informs the consumer that they are eligible for a tax refund and asks for consumer’s personal information. [Read more] [Read more]
Akonix Reports 62 IM-Based Worm Attacks in November
Akonix Systems has reported 62 IM-based worm attacks in the month of November. There is a 226% increase over the previous month. [Read more] [Read more]