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Google Encounters Security Problems With Google Services
Google has encountered securtity problems with Google Base, Google Sitemaps and Gmail. The security hole allows attackers to steal sensitive information from users. [Read more] [Read more]
Scripps Howard News Service Distributes Kevin Sites’ Stories
Scripps Howards News Service,SHNS, is distributing stories and photos by Yahoo Foreign Correspondent Kevin Sites. SHNS is distributing some of Sites’ work to its partner newspapers, magazines and other publication media. [Read more] [Read more]
W32/Sdbot-ADD Infects AIM
W32/Sdbot-ADD worm is infecting many users of AOL Instant Messaging service. The worm and its rootkit,lockx.exe, allows a group of hackers from the Middle East take control of the user’s personal computer. [Read more] [Read more]
Google Offers Online Advertiser Sign-up for AdSense Publishers
Google is offering Online Advertiser Sign-up for its AdSense publishers. Online Advertiser Sign-up allows publishers, who wish to place ads on Google supported websites, to go directly to those sites and sign up. [Read more] [Read more]
Online Lead Generators Create OLGA
Four online lead generation companies have come together to create a club called Online Lead Generation Association, OLGA. OLGA sets standards for online marketers, website publishers and other lead generation providers to follow. [Read more] [Read more]
Think Partnership Acquires Majority Interest in Crystal Reference Systems
Think Partnership, which owns SEM company WebSourced, has signed a letter of intent to take over majority interest in Crystal Reference Systems. Crystal Reference Systems has two trading divisions: Crystal Reference and Crystal Semantics. [Read more] [Read more]
Website Hosters Admit to Phishing
6 people have admitted to hosting a phishing website and obtaining credit card details. The website stole around 1.5 million credit card information and caused more than $4 million in losses. [Read more] [Read more]
Yahoo! Hires Andrei Broder
Yahoo has hired Andrei Broder, former chief scientist, Alta Vista, as Vice President of Search Technology. [Read more] [Read more]
Google Ireland Spends $120.5 Million on R&D.
Google Ireland Holdings Ltd. has spent $120.5 million on Research and Development in its first year business year of operations. [Read more] [Read more]
AOL Adds ShoppingBuddy and Moviefone Bot to Buddy Lists
AOL had added ShoppingBuddy and another AIM, America Online Instant Messaging, Bot for Moviefone to its AOL buddy lists. AIM bots are automated software that send automated responses to questions. [Read more] [Read more]
Google Shares at $404: Employ the Best & Get the Best Out of Them
Google has employed the best and the brilliant. They are put in small teams with a focussed task and the freedom to innovate. This has got Google shares to go up to $404. [Read more] [Read more]
Yahoo to Add Gawker Media Blogs to Yahoo Website
Yahoo will add five Gawker Media blogs to the Yahoo website. The five Gawker Media websites are Gizmodo, Wonkette, Defamer, Lifehacker, and Gawker. [Read more] [Read more]