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Thursday, December 26, 2024

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Microsoft’s Next Move to Compete with Google

The Microsoft Corporation through MSN will offer its own system for selling Web advertising. [Read more]  [Read more]

Credit Companies to Protect Customer Data

Equifax, Experian and TransUnion are developing a single encryption standard to protect sensitive customer data. [Read more]  [Read more]

AOL Makes its Content Free

America Online has decided to make all its content available for free. [Read more]  [Read more]

Google Personalized Search – New Feature

Google is experimenting with its Personalized Search: users can drop unwanted links and improve their search. [Read more]  [Read more]

UK Affiliate Market to Reach 1.35 Billion Pounds

A study has estimated, U.K. affiliate market will reach 1.35 billion pounds, in 2005. [Read more]  [Read more]

Google Toolbar for Firefox Out of Beta

After two months in Beta, Google has made its Firefox Toolbar available. [Read more]  [Read more]

Big Seminar: Armand Morin to Reveal his Secrets

A Big Seminar is to be held in Los Angeles, November 4 to 6 and Armand Morin will reveal his secrets about making millions online. [Read more]  [Read more]

Google Founders Get Better Rank

Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page have risen to No.16 from 43 as the richest Americans. [Read more]  [Read more]

AOL No Longer in Beta

AOL site has announced that is no longer in Beta. [Read more]  [Read more]

Future Search to Include Phone Calls?

Analysts say that Google, Yahoo and Microsoft’s MSN can add “into the search universe the ability to search what you said in phone calls”. [Read more]  [Read more]

Silverpop’s Findings: Email Marketing

Silverpop has surveyed 175 retailers’ email campaigns and has published a report, “2005 Retail Email Marketing Study”. [Read more]  [Read more]

Symantec Biannual Report on Virus Attack

Symantec Biannual has reported that 59% of vulnerabilities to virus attack were associated with Web application technologies, 25% for Mozilla browsers and 13 for Internet Explorer. [Read more]  [Read more]