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Google Blog Search
Google has indexed a couple of months of Blog data but it is developing it into a complete search engine. [Read more] [Read more]
Latest Google Rumour: Google Mobile Phone
The latest rumour is that Google could pickup Intrado, partner with a firm like LG to develop a handset embedded with Google applications and deliver ads. [Read more] [Read more]
Intrado Announced V9-1-1SM for VoIP
Intrado, telecommunications solutions, has announced the availability of V9-1-1SM mobility Service for wireless service providers offering VoIP service. [Read more] [Read more]
MSN: $1000 Virtual Earth Contest
MSN announces a $1,000 contest for the best use of Virtual Earth using the Javascript library applications: Submission of entries before October 14th. [Read more] [Read more]
Worm Imitates Google Homepage
PandaLabs has discovered a worm, P2Load.A, that imitates Google’s homepage, retrieves search results just like Google, but changes the sponsored links to the worm author’s preferred sites. [Read more] [Read more]
Search Engines Should Index TV Content
Terry Semel advised executives at the UK’s Royal Television Society 2005, to get their old programs indexed by Yahoo’s video search crawler. [Read more] [Read more]
US House Panel: Broadband Bill
Internet, video and voice services are to be addressed in U. S. telecommunications laws and the Committee has announced draft legislation. [Read more] [Read more]
TV Program Ads on Blogs
Television Network Executives are promoting their TV programs through ads in Blogs. [Read more] [Read more]
Nielsen//NetRatings Top 10 Web Sites
Nielsen//NetRatings present a list of Top 10 Web Sites by Parent Company and Top 10 Web Sites By Brand for August 2005. [Read more] [Read more]
Web Image Hosting Sites Show Growth
Nielsen/Netratings indicate “explosive” growth in web image hosting sites and a sharp corresponding rise in blogging activity. [Read more] [Read more]
Google Seeks Search Engine Marketers
Google is recruiting established Search Engine Marketers for customer service and as product managers. [Read more] [Read more]
Interpublic Group Faces Stock Exchange Delisting
Interpublic Group faces delisting from the the New York Stock Exchange unless it files its 2004 annual report or those for the first and second quarters of this year. [Read more] [Read more]