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Google Founders Sell Google Shares
Google co-founders Sergey Brin Larry Page have sold Google Shares worth millions. Brin has sold 400,000 shares from October 3-5 for $126.1 million. [Read more] [Read more]
VeriSign Acquires Moreover Technologies
VeriSign has announced the acquisition of Moreover Technologies to offer “bloggers, publishers, enterprises and Web portals a more intelligent and scalable, real-time content platform”. [Read more] [Read more]
FFIEC Issues Guidance for Customer Identification
The Federal Council has issued a guidance for authentication of customer identification. Online banks will be expected to achieve compliance with the guidance by the end of 2006. [Read more] [Read more]
Yahoo! and BellSouth to Form Alliance
Yahoo! and BellSouth are to form a strategic alliance to provide a co-branded service to BellSouth internet subscribers, by the end of 2006. [Read more] [Read more]
Google’s Updated Privacy Policy Includes Highlights
Google’s updated privacy policy has a short, one-page “highlights” notice summarizing the privacy practices and more details in the full-text privacy policy and FAQs. [Read more] [Read more]
Inform Technologies Launches Beta, a News Site
Inform Technologies has launched a beta version of, a news site that will offer “customized news displays and searches of postings from prominent blogs”. [Read more] [Read more]
Bill Flitter Launches Second Part of RSS Advertising Series
Bill Flitter has launched the second part of a three-part series “How to Buy RSS Advertising”. RSS advertising should focus on information that gets the consumer to save ad content and respond. [Read more] [Read more]
AOL Study Reveals African-American’s Online Preferences
AOL Study has revealed that 73%, of African-Americans respond favorably to advertising with multiple cultures featured. And 68% favor companies that benefit the African-American community. [Read more] [Read more]
MSN Collaborates with JibJab and Sells Advertising Placements
MSN has collaborated with JibJab to air animated short films on both MSN Video and JibJab. MSN will also sell advertising placements on both. [Read more] [Read more]
Liberty Launches Security Guidelines
Liberty has launched Business and Policy Deployment Guidelines. This will help policy makers set up Federated Identity Management and build Circles of Trust. [Read more] [Read more]
Reprise Media Analyzes Google’s Impact on Retail Business
Reprise Media executives have analyzed the impact of Google Search and said that Google has improved purchase making process of Retail business. [Read more] [Read more]
Yahoo! too Interested in AOL’s Video Content?
Analysts have reported that Yahoo! has joined the list of Google, Comcast and Microsoft in trying to strike a deal with AOL and benefit from its video content. [Read more] [Read more]