Many ways have been tried for getting web traffic. Some work; some don’t. Social media are currently one of the best. The best known are Facebook and Twitter. But there are others; some of them quite effective. Paul James discovered an under-appreciated social site, Tumblr, and found that it can be a marketer’s “secret weapon.” He just released Tumblr Tycoon to give marketers the inside track on using Tumblr profitably. This concise report (available in both video and written form) on using Tumblr for marketing is the result of months of tweaking and experimenting. It’s... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
Know what’s going on in people’s lives, based on their tweets. Then use that information to target your marketing, sending a reply (either an @ reply or, if they follow you, a direct message) to their tweet that points them to a relevant product. Tweet Lead Explosion lets you search for a phrase you specify in other people’s tweets. You get a list (you can geo-target the query as well.) The marketing power this provides is substantial. With Tweet Lead Explosion, you find out what problems a perosn is having (and probably wants to solve) so you can offer them a solution to their... [...]
Using Lead Generation Offline WP Theme, you can create a WordPress site for an offline client in minutes. One click installs the theme with all its features. Then just add your client’s contact information. Plus any customization your client wants. No technical expertise is needed. The sites you create are designed to bring in leads for the local business; a contact form is included (or use a form from your autoresponder service). And these sites are responsive to mobile devices so smartphone users will find the site easy to use. In addition, with Lead Generation Offline WP Theme, you get: •... [...]
Marketing can be a complicated. We need to track so many things: Articles we have written, bought or spun, tools we use (both online and offline), affiliate relationships, and dozens of other tidbits of information that need to be available when we need them. Kozan Huseyin has created IM Pro Dashboard to bring order from this chaos and make it easier to run your business and to track the things you have done (and things you need to do) in your business. This tool is Windows software that manages a database of all your marketing activities, from appointments, to software you use, to notes you make... [...]
Josh Perkins found a process that got him 15 new local clients in a single month, and he is sharing it with us in Local Client Crusher. In this version, he is specifically showing us how to get real estate professionals to sign up as clients. (But the principles have wider applicability.) This is video training that shows how to use five techniques to attract real estate professionals as clients, techniques responsible for his own success. One of these techniques brought him 15 real estate agents as new clients in one month, with: • No cold calling • No spam emails • No direct mail... [...]
Mike Gregory just released the new version of his Product Launch Leverage, an update to his earlier successful WSO by the same name. Gregory says that you can earn commissions with little hassle and only a little work. And you can do it with: • No investment • No website • No videos • No CPA • No PPC This process is simple enough that you can implement it alongside whatever you are currently doing. Product Launch Leverage is delivered in three parts: ► A step-by-step training guide outlining the system ► Numerous training videos that delve into each step in the system. ►... [...]
Yesterday’s SEO techniques have lost a lot of their power. Google’s changes have de-emphasized backlinks (without eliminating their value altogether.) Munch has just released P&T Optimization (P.T.O) training, showing the methods of smart linking to your site that actually get results in 2013. These tend to include social sites that link (and you might be surprised at which social site works best.) Munch says that PTO has replaced a lot of SEO SEO, and not only that, it’s easier to do than traditional off-site SEO. Munch says that when done right, PTO can result in improved... [...]
If your website is among the majority that don’t give mobile visitors a good experience, you could be losing a lot of clients, and ultimately, a lot of sales. Mobile Splash aims to make sure that your mobile visitors. When Adam Jackson noticed that mobile site visitors were beginning to outnumber visitors from PCs, he decided he had better get his sites (and his client sites) ready. He noticed that typical opt-in forms don’t work well to convert movbile visitors because they are bothersome to fill in on a mobile device. So he looked into other ways to keep his visitors’ attention.... [...]
Sean Erickson just released Fast Cash Hijack to show how to use videos to get top rankings in the search results, so that you can gather more CPA clicks, earn commissions from product Launches or sell more of your own products. Erickson says he can show you how to make videos in less than 5 minutes that will attract viewers and then turn them into buyers. He says he has used videos like this to make significant commissions on WSO launches His process was to find a good product with a good sales page, and then draw upon that sales page to make videos that convert well. Fast Cash Hijack shows you... [...]
If your website is among the majority that don’t give mobile visitors a good experience, you could be losing a lot of clients, and ultimately, a lot of sales. Mobile Splash aims to make sure that your mobile visitors. When Adam Jackson noticed that mobile site visitors were beginning to outnumber visitors from PCs, he decided he had better get his sites (and his client sites) ready. He noticed that typical opt-in forms don’t work well to convert mobile visitors because they are bothersome to fill in on a mobile device. So he looked into other ways to keep his visitors’ attention.... [...]