By now you have probably heard that a few months ago, Google made its third major change to its search results ranking algorithm in about a year. This one affects “exact match domain” (EMD) names. A marketer wants to rank well for a particular term (for example, “hybrid underwater parasailing”) so he or she buys domain name, an exact match for the term. Google used to give that domain name high weight in its algorithm, but after determining that these domains were often of little value, changed the algorithm to look at other factors for value. Your... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
Anthony Tilley is his name, and you may never have heard of him because he’s an underdog affiliate. But in Alex Jeffreys’s recent Unreported Marketing product launch he had more affiliate sales than Mike Filsaime, John Thornhill, Jeff Dedrick or Dean Holland. This underdog beat all these gurus. In Affiliate Underdog, simple, step-by-step video training course, Tilley reveals the exact strategy he used to win the year’s biggest launch in the “Make Money Online” niche, and how you can put his experience to work immediately in any niche of Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate Underdog... [...]
Anthony Tilley is his name, and you may never have heard of him because he’s an underdog affiliate. But in Alex Jeffreys’s recent Unreported Marketing product launch he had more affiliate sales than Mike Filsaime, John Thornhill, Jeff Dedrick or Dean Holland. This underdog beat all these gurus. In Affiliate Underdog, simple, step-by-step video training course, Tilley reveals the exact strategy he used to win the year’s biggest launch in the “Make Money Online” niche, and how you can put his experience to work immediately in any niche of Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate Underdog... [...]
By now you have probably heard that a few months ago, Google made its third major change to its search results ranking algorithm in about a year. This one affects “exact match domain” (EMD) names. A marketer wants to rank well for a particular term (for example, “hybrid underwater parasailing”) so he or she buys domain name, an exact match for the term. Google used to give that domain name high weight in its algorithm, but after determining that these domains were often of little value, changed the algorithm to look at other factors for value. Your... [...]
That’s right, nearly 4000 marketers have made VooPlayer their choice for playing videos on WordPress sites. VooPlayer is probably the easiest to use video player you have ever seen. The creators Bill Zimmerman and John Socratous needed a simple-to-use video player for their own sites, one that had all the features that they thought were necessary for every Internet Marketer. They were tired of other WP video plugins that didn’t didn’t always work right and the support desks that weren’t up to the job. Sometimes, the players they tried conflicted with their other plugins &... [...]
If you need more guidance than you can get from reading e-books, Jamie Lewis wants to help. He is a successful online marketer, making over $1 Million in a year. He now trains other marketers to build their own successful online business by imitating his success. IM with Jamie is his branded internet marketing training course. He has trained others before you; some (he mentions 7) of them have gone on to make high incomes themselves, reaching the seve-figure mark. That isn’t typical, we must assume, but still it’s impressive. If a new marketer can do 10% as well, that would be satisfying. He... [...]
Alex Albert’s giving away a free report on Fiverr called Five Essential Things Every Fiverr Gigger Should Know Before They Start Work. No charge, just ask him to send it to you and he will. Download the report; read it. If Fiverr marketing is a good match for you, and you want more training on selling your services on Fiverr, he has a video course that makes a good follow-up, and you can optionally get it for $5. Get your own free copy of Albert’s e-book here: Five Essential Fiverr Things. [...]
Jeff Dedrick, well known marketer from Wisconsin, has put together a large pack of fresh PLR articles, and is offering them for a discounted price here. These are real articles, not just ads that are made to look like articles. Their content is useful information for people interested in the niche, so they would make good posts for your blog or website. These articles target niches with a lot of popularity (they are not in the internet niche), including: • Home Theaters • Digital Cameras • Car Stereos • Credit cards • Babies • And 5 more Dedrick assures us that these... [...]
You have heard of their popular plugins and themes. They have sold tens of thousands of copies. Now they have bundled 8 of their best into a special Christmas sale, called 12 Days Of Christmas WP Plugin & Theme Bundle, and it only lasts 12 days. Not only are they including their best products; when the plugin has an upgraded version, in the spirit of the season, you are getting that Pro version, not just the basic version. The 8 products, all of them enhancements to WordPress, are: ► Covert Action Bar Pro lets you add a familiar style of action bar on top of your blog (with the option... [...]
Cinema on your WordPress site is simple with Easy Video Flix 2.0. No longer show videos on your WordPress site in boring, plain frames. Matt McDonald has created a portfolio of attractive cinema-themed frames that instantly dress up your site. You can play any video in one of the these themes, since they are actually skins for McDonald’s player software that you can load onto your WordPress site. It supports YouTube videos, plus FLV, F4V, MP4 (including h.264 encoding), and M4V You have control over screen-size so you could place your video front and center if you like, or put it in a sidebar... [...]