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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

Attorney J. Scot Talbert’s legal forms for your website protection #ad

You don’t want to wrangle with the FTC or any other governmental body. You also don’t want a disgruntled customer to take you to court. You need legal protection from financial ruin. You get eight forms your site needs to stay on the right side of the law: 1. Anti-Spam Policy 2. Copyright Notice 3. Disclaimer 4. DMCA Compliance 5. Federal Trade Commission Compliance 6. Privacy Policy: 7. Terms of Service & Conditions of Use 8. Social Media Disclaimer Don’t get caught without legal protection. Upgrade your website with current legal forms, prepared by a qualified attorney.... [...] releases new “Andrina” Business WordPress Theme With Developers License #ad

This premium theme is available for a limited time at a “WSO” price under $10. Supports multiple color schemes, widgets, many graphic blocks, collapsible columns, adding up to great flexibility. You get a developer’s license and PSD files for all the graphics, over 30 background patterns and a child theme option. You can discover the whole story here.  [...]

Over 1000 copies of “Google Resurrection” sold #ad

Just announced on Tuesday, already it is becoming a best-seller. This e-book tells how to guard against having Google de-index your site. And how to recover if it has already happened. The author knows the trauma of de-indexing first-hand. His own site was black-listed by Google. He went through a painful, step-by-step process to become listed again. Now, he documents what he learned. Give Google the quality content they believe is necessary, and you can remain whole, or be made whole again. The author interacted with the Google webmaster support team to understand what was needed, and then complied.... [...]

CPA Marketers Fall in Love with Pinterest #ad

With all the buzz about Pinterest, inevitably, CPA marketers would take a look. Pinterest can drive a lot of targeted traffic, which can be a boon to CPA marketers. The things you discover about Pinterest marketing can also drive traffic to other offers, of course, but there are a lot of CPA offers that fit well with the niche topics Pinterest has become a magnet for. Find out more about this guided tour of the world of Pinterest here.  [...]

New “WP Quickstart” plugin lets you set up multiple blogs in record time #ad

Don’t suffer with manually customizing the default blog format. Set all your WordPress settings from a simple form. Comes with many templates for standard pages and forms. And with a WYSIWYG editor to make them do your bidding. One-click privacy page, disclosure page and Terms of Use, customizable for various “risky” niches, such as health. With XML site maps, too. WordPress is easy to install, but until now it was time-consuming to customize. Check out WP Quickstart here.  [...]

If you are in the golf niche, you need this PLR #ad

This package of 50 articles on golfing can make your golf site, or your golf newsletter stand out. These are hefty articles, all over 500 words long. These articles come with full PLR rights so you can use them any way you like. Spring is here; golfers are starting to get restless. Help them out with these quality articles. See all 50 titles here.  [...]

He has broken the code; IM guru secrets now available to us all #ad

Find out what the top marketers really do. Don’t just listen to what they say. Naturally, they don’t want to reveal all their secrets, but if you observe their actual behavior, you can discover some things they would prefer to keep secret. Bertrand, the author of The Guru Spy Code says, “I Am Now A Full-Time Guru Spy And I Probably Know More About Each And Every Successful Internet Marketers Here On The WF [Warrior Forum] And On The Web Than The CIA And Interpol Combined.” In The Guru Spy Code he shares what he has learned. Model your business on the principles that guided... [...]

New “Alpha” WP Theme for Businesses: Mobile-Ready, Google Maps, Customizable, Elegant #ad

Ideal theme for your local business clients. Easy inclusion of their Google Maps data, informal, welcoming layout. Widgetized for flexible customization, social sharing icons, too. Mobile optimization supports local businesses’ needs. Implementation is easy with its complete control panel that integrates into the WP dashboard. Learn more here.  [...]

WP Timeline creates powerful Facebook Fanpages in WordPress #ad

WP Timeline creates any number of fan pages in a WordPress blog, and includes a built-in Flash® header creator. Creates fully-customizable Fan pages to the new Facebook standards. Doesn’t interfere with the primary blog content. Fan Gate Ready, Facebook Locales, No Scroll Bars, built-in “Add App To Fan Page” Button. Get the whole story here.  [...]

Boost Amazon Conversions With An Extended 90 Day Affiliate Cookie Duration #ad

When people click from your affiliate site to Amazon, they get a cookie that tells Amazon you get a commission. But that cookie only lasts 24 hours. If they come back later and buy, you get nothing. Ryan Stevenson’s new ExtendAzon plugin fixes that. Use this plugin to assure that your cookie lasts 90 days. That way, you’re more likely to get the commission you’ve earned. And it’s completely “White hat”. ExtendAzon works will and with all local Amazon sites supported by the Amazon shopping cart system. Find out more about ExtendAzon here.  [...]

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