One of the important marketing principles, used by all major marketers from automobile dealers to computer vendors to home builders to nearly any big business you can think of is what is called the upsell. Once you have committed to buying, you are offerred extra features, improved usability, a carrying case and more if only you would like to pay a little extra to get them. How often have you heard things like, “You are paying a lot for your car; wouldn’t you like to pay a little more to get the extended warranty.” Savvy marketers use these upsells because they work. Not everyone... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
The secret to simple selling is itself a simple secret: sell what people want to buy. How do you find out what people want to buy? Well, one answer is to ask them? Not a bad answer, but it has two problems: 1. People may not know what they want. 2. People may not be willing to tell you. There is another alternative: get the facts, rather than the opinions, since even the first-hand opinions are questionable. Find out what people are actually buying. What lots of people are buying, many other people will also want to buy. These other people are your market. A specific application of this principle... [...]
Explaindio LLC, a well-known inventor of innovative video software, has just released Promoyse. It is very first desktop software video maker with full video “click & swap” video templates that is available for a single payment, rather than a monthly fee. This new software can quickly create a wide variety of videos including: ✅ Animated Videos, ✅ Whiteboard Videos ✅ Motion Videos Use your videos for: ► Promos, ► Ads ► Video Sales Letters Promoyse comes with 100 Done For You Templates that you can customize in 3 Simple Steps: Step 1 – Select one of the video... [...]
You have heard of “influencers”, people whose endorsement makes a product’s sales jump. The most familiar influencer, we suppose, is Oprah Winfrey. Whenever she likes a product and tells her fans about it, sales are assured. But there are other, lesser known influencers, who can also make a difference a product’s success. Many bloggers on WordPress and on YouTube – video blogs, of course –, and other social media sites have developed long lists of followers. When they mention a product, their followers pay attention. These new social media influencers often promote... [...]
You need to earn sales commissions from your websites in order to pay the bills and earn a living. It’s that simple. Billy Darr and Justin Opay have worked together to create a new software solution that helps you do it with minimal fuss and bother. It’s called: Commission Robot. Commission Robot lets you tap into top affiliate networks to quickly build affiliate sites offering multiple products for sale. They say it takes 3 minutes, but that assumes you have already created s list of the products you want to include on the site and have your affiliate links ready to paste into the... [...]
The Zamurai Warrior team, headed by Joshua Zamora, is releasing a new marketing tool, Tube Charge allows you to dominate page 1 a novel way by : ► automatically creating dozens of videos for you at a time ► automatically optimizing those videos for you ► automatically uploading those videos for you on a daily basis ► even automatically creating video playlists from those videos – 100% hands free Zamora says that the result of all this automatic work is video rankings in 48 hours or less!. You can see a demo of the process here: Tube Charge. With Zamora’s help, we have arranged a... [...]
Most local businesses don’t know the power of press releases. Also, even if they know the value of press releases, they, for the most part, don’t know how to create one and distribute it to the press. That creates a business opportunity fo a marketing consultant. P.D. Laughlin has created a complete Consultant’s Press Release Marketing Kit to set you up in this business. For example, to bring clients to you, he includes what he calls “a powerful, professionally written 1,700+ word lead-gen report, ‘5 Reasons Why Every Business Should Use Press Releases!'”. You... [...]
Flip Magic was just released by Art flair and Vick Carty. If you’ve been looking for a reliable way to build your online business, this may be the opportunity you have been waiting for. With Flip Magic, Carty and Flair say, you don’t need a website, a mailing list, or even know how to generate traffic. You can get started now and possibly have sales as soon as tomorrow. The key to this kind of speed is to let other people do all the time-consuming (and difficult) work for you. The idea is that you are the “middle-man” between the person with the product(s) you are selling and the... [...]
Facebook ads can be a beneficial marketing channel, but unless done well, they can be a big money pit, as well. (We know this from sad experience.) There’s a new package of colorful graphic ads for many niches that you can add your own link and headline to, and deploy them in moments, Facebook Ads Template Boss. This is a professional Done-For-You PLR collection which consists of 900+ Facebook Ads Templates that can be easily edited for your business or your client’s business using PowerPoint. The advantage of this collection (apart from the obvious advantages of the large size and... [...]
Over the weekend, the product development team headed by Cyril Gupta released VidScribe AI. This new software lets you convert your videos, that you recorded in your own language, into local language videos for all around the world. That makes your video usable by almost anyone world-wide who might be interested in your product. Here’s how you can benefit from the artificial intelligence built into VidScribe AI. It will: ► Automatically Subtitle any video in the language you choose. ► Automatically re-dub your video in the language of your choice ► Get local language captions (SRT)... [...]